Monday, May 21, 2007


The past year seems to be a period of transition in my life. I left my job of 15 years last June and have been working various temporary jobs since then. My current job is in transition – I am learning a new position that I will be moving into possibly in June or July. I am working part time in two different departments with the Motorcycle Division. I am still working temporary and would like to transition to a permanent position either here or at another company.

I am going to be an empty nester soon. My son is going to be moving to San Francisco late this summer and I will have my three bedroom place to myself. I am looking forward to it, but dreading it at the same time. I will enjoy the freedom of having all the space to myself and redecorating – but it has been over 20 years since I have lived alone. What an exciting change! I plan to do some major decorating all over the house! I plan to put up curtains in both the living room and dining room, turn one of the bedrooms into a sewing room and the other possibly into a guest room, a media room, or a library.

I am trying some new things as well. I have been making a prom dress for the past few weeks, and am looking forward to finishing it this weekend. I would like to do some sewing and possibly alterations as a sideline to earn some extra money. I need to see how this project works out first before I decide if I want to pursue that further.

I am doing some writing here and there (besides on my blog) and have done a few articles for You can find their site here: I happened upon this site by accident and have enjoyed writing for them. I hope to find some time soon to look at the different channels and pick some new subjects to write about. I would like to find a topic that I could do some research on and write a really top notch article. I will have to look at the list of magazines that are looking for articles. I tried to participate in the National Novel Writing Month last November, but life got busy and I didn’t really get off the ground. I did purchase the book and plan to try again this November.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Hi Maureen,

Wow - that is a big change! In reading your post I was reminded of a book by Mary Carol Moore called How to Master Change in Your Life. And her first book called Turning Points.

If you are into that kind of book they might really be helpful in this time of change.

I admire your positive attitude about it and will be thinking of you and your redecorating of your empty nest!
